2024 Goals, Full Steam Ahead
As we bid farewell to yet another year and welcome 2024, it’s a time of reflection, a time of looking back, and more importantly, a time of looking forward to what lies ahead.
Reflecting on this past year has become my latest mental exercise. It’s not just the wins that I’m celebrating and reflecting on… it’s also the misses. While the wins are there to give me a boost, I’m actually learning the most from my 2023 moments where I didn’t actually win… where I stumbled and sidestepped, missing the mark. These moments–aka opportunities–are really what are informing my path forward.
Life is a series of precious moments, and I’ve learned to savor each one…even those that didn’t “go my way”.

If you’re like me–someone with a creative and busy brain–you’ve likely got an endless list of things you’d like to accomplish this year. In an effort to ground myself in my new year ambitions, I’m focusing on 5 non-negotiables. By creating a dedicated plan, I’m moving the swirling ideas in my head to tangible goals.
In no particular order, here they are:
1. More Family Time: Family is the anchor that grounds me, and this year, I’m committing to creating more memories and sharing laughter with the ones I love. We’re all a busy bunch, and it’s easy to go months without seeing everyone.
2. Take a Vacation: As someone who’s always on go-mode, I’ve realized it’s important to take a step back to recharge. I recently went on a vacation to the Bahamas with my family – a trip that seemed impossible to plan and execute before it happened. But then suddenly, we were there, recharging with the sand and the sun. Putting a trip on the calendar in advance is the only way it will happen for me.
3. Move Forward on Professional Goals: What’s in store for christycoleman.com? The sky’s the limit! I’ve set ambitious goals for my career and professional development.
When I decided to launch a website a little over a year ago, my goal was to see whether or not I still had a deep passion and ambition in the beauty space. And guess what…I do. I should have never doubted my zeal. I’ve been hoarding fashion magazines and the latest makeup products since I was a kid. This year, running my own business, I’ve learned so much. I’ve learned the limits of what you can do by yourself.
4. Improve Health and Wellness: As cliché as it sounds, health is indeed true wealth. I recently rearranged my garage gym, and getting this organized has me inspired. My pool is getting more use this winter with cold plunges than it ever did in the summer. I’ve been working with a functional medicine doctor and am fully coming to terms with the fact that I’m very intolerant to gluten and filled with mold. It’s something I’ve known in my gut (pun intended) for a while, but have not prioritized. But truly, I feel my best self – more radiant and clear – when I avoid gluten. This year, I’m giving it up, and prioritizing more liver and mold detoxes.
5. Pick a Word for the New Year – JOY: We’re faced with so many decisions every day. I know that in this new year I will encounter a lot of professional decisions that will potentially alter how my life looks. I’ve picked a word – joy – which will be my touchpoint this year. Asking myself “Does this bring me joy? Or, “Does this have the potential to bring me joy?” will be the decision matrix I use to navigate choices, big and small. For me, this goal ties into my faith – setting aside time for prayer is a joyful experience, and choosing to free up more time for this will ultimately invite in joy. Those who know me well, know that it’s my personality to work until a (figurative) collapse. I’m so grateful for my work ethic; it’s the engine that has propelled my career. But sometimes, the “work” and the “effort” have come at the expense of my joy. Not this year 🙂
Now, how will I accomplish these lofty plans? After all, a plan with no execution is just a wish. I’m a highly visual person, and I recently found the perfect tool to keep me aligned and grounded to what I’m declaring matters. Jesse Itzler’s Big A## Calendar will be my secret weapon for plotting, planning, and holding myself accountable to these goals. (I also gifted the calendar to everyone in my family for Christmas.)
This is truly a big a## calendar! I placed it up on my office wall, and I’ve begun to populate it with the non-negotiables. The size and structure of the calendar let me visualize the full year ahead, break down my objectives into manageable tasks, and track my progress day by day. The Big A## Calendar isn’t just a tool; it’s a visual companion on my goal-setting journey.
Join me in the challenge to explore the unknown and embrace the new year with open arms and an open heart. Thanks for being here, and happy new year!
Forever grateful and rooted in beauty –

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